Lingering Looks at Leo - Act One ~ 18 Jun 2021

Mars dramatically declares there’s no better time than his time as lion master to herald the upcoming sequence of personal planets transiting Leo. Break out the banners, flags, confetti and fanfare. Here the roar of the lion and the awe of those witnessing same!

Mars entered Leo about a week ago. In slightly more than a week Venus enters Leo (27 June). In fact, until the Sun leaves Leo on 22 August, either El Sol or a personal planet struts through Leo in any given moment. Sometimes, we’ll be subject to the reign of more than one planet in the dramatic, potent, confident signsake. As well, the planets in Leo will all oppose Saturn, square Uranus and oppose Jupiter during their screen time seeking to add personal formidability, flexibility and fecundity to the applicable arsenal of all.

This will be a two-act SkyScraping sequence. When it comes to Leo nothing should be understated. As such, given the number of transits and the duration thereof, to remain consistent with the theme of the current Mercury in Gemini, a two-part information drop seems the best approach. Today’s post focuses our attention through July’s Leo transits. Next week’s post will finish the Leo languishing with the luxury it deserves and address the time planets occupy the lion’s domain in August. Onto the show!

Should you be feeling the urge to wax dramatic regarding an emotional matter for purposes of clarity, go for it. Should you feel hyperbole serves the purpose of shoving a concept into conscious attention, go for it. Should you feel the need to stake your personal claim in any matter with more certainty and emphasis than ever before, the transits support same.

However, should you be so bold as to encroach, overly assert your dominion or demonstrate the insecure side of ego manifestations with bombastic boldness, the aspects made by all the planets have the opportunities to put things back in place.

Honing the assets of transits in Leo is not complicated. Simply, passages through the regal sign urge the careful and conscious cultivation of all compliments, encouragement, accolades, praise, awards and certificates of any kind of merit and harvesting the psychic import and impact of all those things into a tidy collection of highly absorbable confidence. This collection of the acknowledgment of excellence stands as undeniably true. The praise, when received as unsolicited, heaps up swiftly and polishes away the edges of ego. Soulful confidence can indeed be the result of ones participation in the real world and rewards received for such conscious effort.

Consider how the upcoming transits seek to apply soul-soothing balm to the psyche.

1 July: Mars in Leo opposite Saturn in Aquarius

The urge to take on the authorities of the world, upset those in power create an appropriately dominant position for all your activities stands front and center. It’s all about you... truly it is and that’s not a bad thing. Be honest about your motives and end game, and while conveying your true intention and agenda be swift to point out the wide-reaching benefit(s) that your self-serving actions create. Should you seek to start an oceanic plastic recycling company because there’s so much plastic in the ocean and work continues as long as humans are careless with waste and you’ll end up making more money that ever before, awesome. The end result is that all creatures of the ocean benefit as do all humans on Earth and does the Earth herself. This aspect insists that ones participation in life must be a win for all and not zero-sum.

3 July: Mars in Leo square Uranus in Taurus

This aspect does possess a bit of a tricky wicket with its navigation. No doubt things that are being done by others and the reason for which they are being done, arouses your hackles. You just know it’s wrong and something must be done about it. Before going into conspiratorial justification, first go bottom line. What is the collective economic impact of any situation you intend to protest? Can you clearly determine how what is being done negatively impacts your due rewards in life? Are you able to provide viable and immediately applicable solutions to the rules and regs you intend to oppose? Will your effort be enduring... enduring as in will your agenda remain viable through a Uranian slate - that of seven years? If not, dig in and create improvements and enhancements to your doctrine before you declare yourself a revolutionary.

6 July: Venus in Leo opposite Saturn in Aquarius

Now that’s it’s safe to go inside a movie theater, maybe consider doing so. No need to make a statement with your sequined protective mask, you’re there to take in a film. All those actors delivering their fine performances do so with enviable grace and ease. Such fluidity onscreen comes from honing their craft. It comes from researching the role, investing their soul into the role, and practice, practice, practice. It’s hard work to act. It’s hard work to make a movie. The reality is that when you watch a movie and marvel in what stirred you, likely the production team took an entire day to shoot about five minutes of what you watched. Then, there’s editing, color correction, sound mixing, promotion and more. What’s the point? You want to do your most artistic rendering in life? Of course, that’s the stimulation of this time. Commit to the work. Relish in the discipline and savor the consciousness in creation. Practice, practice, practice, then perform.

8 July: Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus

Let’s stay at the movies for another transit delineation. Let’s say the movie you watch creates a strong, powerful reaction, or provides you with an insight you would not normally have considered on your own. That’s terrific. You’re all fired up and inspired. Awesome. Now what? Take the spark of inspiration use it to create something that you can actually do. Then do it. Do it a lot and make it your thing. Consider that this spark turns into your inner flame. This flame is your soul’s furnace that powers you with a warmth and glow and shine for your every act and action in life. This is “branding.” Branding is the declaration of what you’ve got and what you can give. Lament not about what you lack. Create your unique source code. Be the inspiration of your greatest innovation and put it out there boldly.

22 July: Solar Ingress in Leo, Venus Egress Leo

Now the Sun occupies the sign it rules. That alone is enhancing and amplifying. That’s absolutely awesome and brilliant. Within the same 24-hour period as this solar ingress, Venus enters Virgo and opposes Jupiter. This requires that when you boldly put it out there the putting is performed without any negative anticipation of rejection or lack of response. Use Venus to recall all of the compliments received in the past six weeks. Assimilate these into your thinking. The compliments are valid and true, therefore they are undeniable and can be filed in your sense of intrinsic worth. Use the opposition to Jupiter to realize that what you seek to do addresses a singular human emotional reaction to which all are subject. Define such emotions. There are actually several universal emotional truths. Pick the one you feel best suited to represent. Represent means be a living, breathing example of a reaction to life circumstances and given your acquired and refined sense of self, rises above the most common reaction. Be an example of good action and confidence in life. Remember the Sun is the most gravitationally significant object in our solar system. When one is like the Sun and shines, others show up to bask in the warmth and brilliance.

27 July: Mercury enters Leo

Keep in mind as Mercury enters Leo that we only recently cleared the “shadow” of Mercury retrograde in Gemini. In fact that was twenty days ago and this most recent retrograde had it’s midpoint on a solar eclipse in the sign. Mercury in Gemini inspired many to pack up the new electronic gear and send it back as defective, when in fact, it was that the instructions were poorly written and gear was good.

Now with Mercury in Leo, take the lessons of the past retrograde and realize that as you assert your capability and confidence do so with the compassion that others may take it differently than you intended. Think through how others might respond to your declarations. Can you make your point without starting your statement with the word “I,” or rely upon completely self-referential proclamations? Would it work better to state the point of your experience, talent and wisdom without it being about you? Can the situation’s need be declared and when recognized and agreed to by all, then offer how you intend to move center stage and direct this life production into perfection? That would be grandest of goals!

29 July: Mars in Leo opposes Jupiter, now back in Aquarius. The next day, Mars enters Virgo.

Jupiter’s recent return to Aquarius, where he remains for several months, works with us all to reset the idea that if any action is going to do the best it can do, then applicability for the masses and the good of the planet must be included. This Mars to Jupiter thing could come off as overly opinionated and superior and within that, reek of entitled snobbery. Should that be the subtext, then as Mars steps into Virgo, fault finding with any plan regardless of merit occurs because of the manner of delivery of that plan. Funny how if one hears “here’s what you must do,” the response is so different than one hearing, “you know, here are some steps that could carefully navigate the terrain ahead, and, oh, by the way, here’s a map to the minefield ahead”.

Psychic presentation lords over collective receptivity. Remember back in Mercury retrograde when the instructions to hook up the latest, greatest new device were poorly translated? Here, ensure the tone behind any declaration and the belief that the proclamation is the only proved path of progress does not contaminate the agenda of consciousness or the intended response to your creative output in life.

There’s more to come. While not intended to be a cliff-hanger, that’s the completion of act one.